F-14A Top Gun "Maverick and Goose"

Decal Set F-14A Tomcat 1/18
no. F14-06
44,95 EURO
Designed to be used with the JSI 1/18 F-14A.
The set contains 4 decal sheets, a small sheet of Remove Before Flight streamers and instructions. One decalsheet is entirely dedicated to the F-14's vast missile armament.
‘TOP GUN’ can be regarded as one of the most iconic and influential movies ever made. Wether it is close to reality
can be debated, but it is a fact that the movie spurred many to become pilot, or ‘naval aviator’ preferably.
‘TOP GUN’ is not the first movie to feature the F-14 as a star performer (that honor went to the 1981 movie ‘The Final
Countdown’), but ‘TOP GUN’ did place the F-14 Tomcat high in the top 10 of most sexy aircraft ever.
This decal set tries to capture the markings used during the shoot of
‘TOP GUN’ as best as possible, and focusses on one livery in particular: The Maverick and Goose ‘hero’ aircraft, modex 114.